Beef Stroganoff

l Beef Stroganoff

Serves: 04
Preparation Time: 45 Minutes
Level: Easy

recipe database,
Beef stroganoff with rice

  • Beef - 250 gram
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar* - 1 teaspoon
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Cooking oil - 2  tablespoon
  • Mushroom - 250 gram
  • Shallots - 50 gram (or onions)
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Stock - 200 ml (or water)
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoon
  • Cut beef into to thin stripes 
  • Marinate beef with salt, pepper and vinegar for minimum 45 minutes
  • Roughly shred shallots 
  • Heat oil and sear beef, remove and keep aside
  • Add, saute mushroom, remove and keep aside
  • Add butter in the same pan and saute shallots
  • Sprinkle flour and whisk vigorously until it become a sandy texture
  • Stir in stock (or water) and cook until it bubbles
  • Add sour cream, beef and mushroom; heat further
  • Check for salt and pepper, remove from fire
  • If buying from a local butcher, ask for boneless piece from thigh
  • Suggest to get it cut from the butcher
  • *Some beef meat may be tough, in such cases use vinegar for marination; just add recommended quantity, else it may change the taste
  • Try adding one or two tablespoon of white wine before adding stock or water and heat for a variation
  • Try chicken stoganoff using the same recipe
  • Serve along with white rice or cooked pasta

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