Carrot kheer

l Carrot kheer

Serves: 04
Preparation Time: 25 Minutes
Difficulty: Easy

  • Carrot - 250 gram
  • Ghee - 4 table spoon
  • Milk -1 liter
  • Cardamon - 5
  • Condensed milk (optional) -2 table spoon
  • Sugar - 100 gram
  • Cashew nuts - 10-15 no.
  • Pistachio nuts (optional) - 5-8 no.
  • Grind cardamon pods with 2 spoon of sugar
  • Wash, peel and grate carrots
  • Heat ghee in a thick bottom pan, fry nuts and keep aside
  • Add carrot to the same pan and saute in ghee for 3-4 min.
  • Add milk to the carrot and bring to boil
  • Simmer the hear and allow the milk-carrot to reduce to 3/4th of its original volume.
  • Add sugar, cardamon powder, condensed milk
  • When the sugar dissolves, remove from fire.
  • Garnish with nuts and serve
  • Taste for your preference level of sweetness before removing from fire (add sugar to increase sweetness or add milk to reduce)
  • An interesting variation of this is replacing milk with coconut extraction completely or partially
  • Try replacing 1/4 of sugar with jaggery
  • You can grind 1/4 of cooked carrot and to milk, which gives a rich orange colour

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